Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Guy Fawkes Day

Friday night the explosions began. We didn't know what to think . . . there were fireworks everywhere! It looked just like the 4th of July, and from our vantage point at Prince's Wharf we could see north to Takapuna Beach, west down the wharf to the Viaduct and up on the hill to Ponsonby. Kids were screaming and carrying on in the bars, everyone was out and about.

Now we know what all the fuss was about. November 5 is known as Guy Fawkes Day and is celebrated in all of the commonwealth countries throughout the world. It commemorates the foiling of a plot - known as the Gunpowder Plot - to blow up the House of Lords in 1603 while the king, James I was opening the new session of Parliament. Guy Fawkes was one of the conspirators, the one caught red-handed. The 5th November was established as a day of thanksgiving that the plot didn't work. Today they have bonfires and burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes, let off fireworks, and eat toffee. I might also add that an ample amount of alcohol is consumed, gauging from the trucks on the wharf the next morning stocking the bars!

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