Saturday, February 26, 2005

A Little Lite Housekeeping

Good news everyone! The Blogger people have updated the way comments work. Among the many improvements are pop-up windows for comments and the ability for commenters to fill in their name and web site info—no Blogger account needed. Now there's no excuse for you silent lurkers.

Conor has found us a great Web hosting service called the Kiwi Web Hosting Company. While it may be transparent to most of you, it's a big deal to us. They have very fast, reliable servers that will deliver our Web page to everyone in record time, and they have a very creative billing structure. You actually pay 10% less each year rather than more. The best part is, when you sign up for an account you get free peanut brittle!

Since we now have our very own host, I will be moving our photo albums from the various and sundry places we have been storing them over the past several months. You will see the order of the albums change, and some of the content will be reorganized. I have already uploaded a new album - Logos - so you can see some of the mockups in progress. We all now have new email addresses at as well. We just slapped something up on the Web page to test the settings, but you can check it out at

We've made major progress this week: ordered the Micros POS terminals, finalized the equipment list and placed the order, nailed down the final bids and plans for plumbers, electricians, security cameras, sound system, upholstery and cabinetry (joinery here), painting for floor, ceiling and walls. We are also going to do a mural like we did at Baja using a local artist - Hamish. Style will be Diego Rivera-esque. (More on that later). Mike is deciding uniforms, Conor chose a PR company . . . I'm getting tired just reading about everything!

We still have mucho on the listo, but we are knocking things down one at a time. We are anxious for Tyler to get here - March 12th. Malcolm joins us the following Monday, so we have our management team in place. In the next two weeks we have training for liquor licensing (everyone but JB, who says he can't be trained) and food safety training. All are required for our licensing.

It's the weekend and JB and I are golfing while the boys are at the beach. Conor bought a used surfboard. Mike can't wait to start fishing. We are all looking forward to a little bit of R&R.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your news. You are such a good writer! I'm sure it is hard to keep up with everything hitting you at once. So many decisions. Sounds like everything is coming together well though. I wish we could be there for the opening. I did pick up my passport info at the post office today. So, step one to getting Dan on an airplane to en-zee!