Friday, February 04, 2005

News From Our First Week

It’s Friday evening and we are all exhausted! It’s been a very eventful and satisfying week for the team at Mexicali Fresh. John, Mike and Conor took possession of the building on Tuesday after participating in all sorts of closing events and ceremonies for the staff and owners of Sierra Café. I landed on Wednesday morning and was picked up at the airport by Conor and John. Auckland is in the middle of a patch of high humidity at the moment, so by the time we reached the parking lot I was sporting a frightening blonde afro reminiscent of Phyllis Diller!

The night before I arrived, the 7th largest cruise ship in the world was docked right outside the door of the restaurant. I missed seeing it, but on Wednesday the QE2 came in. Everyone says it seems merely large after the last one, but it sure looked big to me.

Phil and Carole Frazier from Bend are here now, and shared breakfast with us in the restaurant on Thursday. When we purchased the café, we also inherited several dozen eggs, some cheese, various vegetables and lots of spices. Mike has been very inventive in preparing breakfast for us every morning before our organizational meetings. We are going out to dinner with Phil and Carole tonight and tomorrow night, and we will play golf at Titirangi’s opening day tomorrow. By the way, we had a golf membership in Auckland before we had an apartment – John has his priorities straight.

Conor and Mike are working hard and soaking up every bit of experience and wisdom we can throw their way. We did spend some serious time today making up titles for our business cards. Conor is the Director of First Impressions, Mike is Head Cheese and Tyler will either be Director of Fun or Activities Director. I retain the title I had at my former business, that of Grand Poobah. John has been bestowed the title Supreme Commander as befits his station in life.

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