Saturday, July 09, 2005

Bless the Brits

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London has experienced a terrible tragedy, but the 20,000+ Poms (slang acronym for Prisoners of Mother England) visiting our fair city have showed their resiliance and legendary "stiff upper lip" by doing what they do best . . . carry on.

Mexicali Fresh on the waterfront last night provided a venue for much singing, carousing and drinking of beer by Poms and Kiwis, Welshmen and Irish, Americans and Brazilians. It was a bit slow on Friday morning, but beginning at 11:00 am there was a line out the door that lasted for the next 12 hours. More than a few had burritos for the very first time.

The final test of the Lions Tour takes place tonight at Eden Park in Auckland. The All Blacks have won the tour by winning the first two tests in admirable fashion, but the Lions can salvage their pride by winning tonight and staving off a sweep. There was never any thought to cancelling this last test, but there will be a moment of silence before the final game begins.

JB is in Bend now and staggered at how much the town has grown in the six months we have been gone. He and his friend Bob Green are playing in the annual Member/Guest tournament. JB will be back in Auckland on the 20th and I will leave for Bend on the 23rd.

Mike will be leaving us in a couple of weeks to pursue a venture with his family in Bend. Before leaving New Zealand, he will be visiting the South Island and doing a little fishing along the way. We will miss him, but wish him well as he carves out a new path for himself. It was great having him with us as we launched Mexicali Fresh, Southern Hemisphere version.

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